People running on the tracks on Margaret Island
People running on the tracks on Margaret Island

Best outdoor places for a good run in Budapest

Are you looking forward to running in Budapest? Then why would you stop running while in Budapest? You can kill two birds with one stone.


Are you looking forward to running in Budapest? Then why would you stop running while in Budapest? You can kill two birds with one stone. You can stay fit and get to know Budapest better. We have collected the best and most beautiful outdoor running tracks for you. They are all located in the heart of Budapest, so you won’t have to travel too far for your training. Put on your running shoes and let’s go!

A man running outdoors
A man running outdoors

Running in Budapest

Margaret Island

Margaret Island
Margaret Island

It is probably the most popular and most picturesque place where you can stretch your legs. There is a super runner-friendly rubberized 5.3 km long running track around the edge of the Island. No bikers or cars will get in your way, this track is only for runners. You can enjoy the phenomenal view unperturbed. The Island is located between the two sides of Budapest which is great since you can enjoy the view of both of them if you complete the 5.3 kms. After your work-out session, we recommend that you come back again for a nice, long walk. Margaret Island is not only a running mecca but also a romantic spot for couples, great park for families and even better meeting point for friends.

Shot of the tracks on Margaret Island
Shot of the tracks on Margaret Island


  • There are some drinking fountains on your way so you won’t have to worry about getting parched.
  • There are also some bars and fast food places on the island, in case you feel like eating something after your run. Don’t forget to bring your credit card with you!
  • You can easily track how many kms you’ve run thanks to the regular markings on your way.

Length: 5.3 kms

Level: beginners, advanced runners


  1. Take tram 4 or 6 to “Margitsziget” (via Margaret Bridge), get off, and you can immediately start your session or
  2. Take tram 1 via Árpád bridge, get off at “Népfürdő utca / Árpád híd” stop and walk down to the island. This is the other end of the island. (~ 10-min walk)

Summary of
Margaret Island

Opening hours
0-24h Open
Budapest, Margitsziget / Margit híd, 1138 Magyarország

City Park (Városliget) – Pest Side

Shot of City Park from above
Shot of City Park from above

What can be even better than running on the Danube bank on an Island? Have you ever considered doing sightseeing while you run? Because that is what City Park is all about. It is a large park located on the Pest side, where you can run 3 kms without having to stop and you will also pass the Vajdahunyad Castle, Hero’s Square and the small lake on your way. The only disadvantage of this location compared to Margaret Island’s trail is that the infrastructure is certainly less developed. The surface of the running track is inconsistent. You will be running on pebbles, hard ground and sometimes on a proper track. The City Park is hiding a lot of other exciting places as well. Come back to visit the Budapest Zoo or relax in the Széchenyi Bath.


  • We promise you won’t run around in circles if you chose this great running place.
  • The sights that you will pass while running are worth a visit. The Hero’s Square is among the top 10 must-see sights in Budapest.
  • You can enjoy fresh air in the middle of the city!
  • Probably this park is just a walking distance from where you live.
  • You will love this park if you are a beginner. The 3 km-trail is exactly what you need.

Length: 3 kms

Level: beginners


  1. Take metro line 1 (yellow) and get off at “Széchenyi fürdő” or
  2. Take tram 1 to “Erzsébet királyné útja, aluljáró” and walk to the park. (~ 10-min walk)

Summary of
City Park

Opening hours
0-24h Open
Budapest, Városliget – Liget Budapest Projekt, Kós Károly stny., 1146 Magyarország

Gellért Hill – Buda Side

gellert hill
Gellert hill

Are you into hardcore running? Do you enjoy pain? Do you like fighting for what you want? If your answer is yes to any of these questions, you must try running up to Gellért Hill to the Citadella (fort). The view on the top is breathtaking. If you want to get a real good work-out, don’t miss out on this opportunity. You will start at the bottom of the Gellért Hill and will be running uphill on a pretty steep slope until you reach the peak, which is the Liberty Statue. If you come here, don’t leave your camera at home. This is one of the most gorgeous lookouts for the city. If you wish to share this beautiful spot with your family and friends too, take them with you next time and enjoy a nice beer or delicious dinner on one of the many restaurant terraces!

Shot of the stairs leading to the top of Gellért Hill
Shot of the stairs leading to the top of Gellért Hill


  • The view is incredible, it is worth running up. The starting point is easily accessible. You will step out of your comfort zone.

Take some water with you, you will need it!

Length: ~2-3 kms, depending on where you go down.

Height: 235 meters

Level: advanced, experienced runners


  1. Start from Hotel Gellért and run uphill keeping to the right.

Summary of
Gellért Hill

Opening hours
0-24h Open
Budapest, Gellért-hegy Jubileumi park, Verejték u. 2, 1118 Magyarország


Don’t get lazy while visiting Budapest, stay healthy and fit and check out the most famous sights and places in your running shoes. I am sure a glass of wine and a nice plate of traditional Hungarian food will taste even better after a satisfying run. Enjoy! Check out the best gyms in Budapest as well!

More interesting and useful tips

If you’re looking for a pleasant stroll around the famous Heroes Square, you should first read our article on the subject to truly appreciate this endlessly beautiful architectural masterpiece.

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