Airplane in Hungary
Airplane in Hungary

Budapest Flight Time

Do you have a question about Budapest flight time? What should you do first when landing in Budapest? Read and find out more including useful tips for flying.


How much time does it take to go to Budapest by plane? What is the flight time from London to Budapest? What can I do to enjoy my flight more? All these questions and more are answered in the article below. Read it and learn more about how to make your Budapest flight time more enjoyable.
For more info about the location of Budapest read the Where is Budapest? article. 

Budapest flight time from some European capitals

h=hour, m=minute

  • Rome to Budapest: 1h 30m
  • Barcelona to Budapest: 2h 5m
  • London to Budapest: 2h 20m
  • Dublin to Budapest: 3h 20m
  • Berlin to Budapest: 1h 20m
  • Paris to Budapest: 1h 55m
  • Amsterdam to Budapest:1h 45m
  • Stockholm to Budapest: 2h 20m
  • Reykjavik to Budapest: 4h 50m

Budapest flight time from outside of Europe

  • New York  to Budapest: 10h
  • Chicago to Budapest: 13h
  • Sydney to Budapest: 24h
  • Cairo to Budapest: 3h 35m
  • Bangkok to Budapest: 12h 45m
  • Moscow to Budapest: 2h 40m
  • Beijing to Budapest: 13h 50m
  • Bali to Budapest: 18 25m

Is flying the best option?

When you check the flight time to Budapest from any city and the length of the journey takes about an hour or less, you might want to consider a bus or train ride as well.

h=hour, m=minute

Wien to Budapest:
Flight time: 40m
Bus: 3h

Zagreb to Budapest:
Flight time: 55m
Bus: 4h 30m

Prague to Budapest:
Flight time: 1h 10m
Bus: 7h

From Budapest to Vienna by flixbus bus
BUD Airport

Useful tips for your flight to Budapest

1. How to spend time efficiently while flying

You will be asked to switch off the network on your mobile phone onboard but you can still use it or a laptop offline. You can work or enjoy an offline downloaded book or movie while flying

  • Make sure your devices are fully charged!
  • Movies: watch an offline movie on your tablet
  • Music: listen to music (you will need headphones and a fully charged battery)
  • Read: it is a great opportunity to start a book that you usually do not have time for
  • Cards: you can play cards that do not need a lot of space
  • Sleep: bring a neck supporting pillow, close your eyes and relax

2. Tips for being comfortable during your flight to Budapest

  • Always have water and some snacks in your bag. (you can buy water at the airport shop, solid snacks like chocolate or sandwiches are allowed to take onboard)
  • Take a neck supporting pillow with you
  • Have a small pack of moist tissues for cleaning your hands or for using the bathroom
  • Have a small bottle of hand sanitizer (only a small one!)
  • Have a pack of chewing gum in case you suffer from ear pressure. Just chew on it while taking off and your ears will not hurt
  • Wear comfortable clothes. Wear layers of clothes. You may be sitting in the same spot with little legroom for hours, you don’t want to feel discomfort because of your too tight clothes
  • Bring a scarf with you, the air-conditioning is always on and you can easily end up with a sore throat

3. What to do first after landing

  • When flying to the capital of Hungary, always keep in mind, that the local time might be different from your country’s local time (pay particular attention to the Summer and Wintertime). Always check the local time after landing. Your mobile will adjust automatically if the GPS is on.
  • Have some Hungarian currency, forint in your wallet when you are approaching Budapest. Not all shops take credit cards
  • Always use an official licenced taxi (they are yellow) and if possible wait for the taxi booth at the entrance to call a taxi for you! 

Don’t use the first bathroom that you see first, even if you are desperate, there will be several more on your way out and you won’t have to queue.


Now that you have arrived at Budapest after a long flight, you can finally relax and enjoy the beautiful capital of Hungary. Find your hotel or Airbnb, drop off your luggage and eat a hearty traditional Hungarian meal before you start discovering the city!

Watch this video about the Budapest Airport:

If you are interested in the methods of getting to the city from the airport, we recommend reading this article about the Budapest airport transfer choices.

Do you want to know everything about the Hungarian currency? Check our article in the topic!

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